Monday, March 17, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 5

New Term

A new day! A new beginning! A new life! A new dream!
It is the second term. The principal says it is an exam term. AN EXAM!

Exam term is a crocodile term. It is a crocodile term because we have to get as many scores as a crocodile teeth ! Anyway a crocodile term is a crocodile term, so I have to be a crocodile bird.

Why? Because a crocodile bird cleans all the teeth 100% shiny. So I have to do 100% best like a crocodile bird. So this term I am willing to Ms crocodile bird!

Kyu Won's Journal 4

Kyu Won's Journal 4

Many people came to my house to pray. I didn't know why they came but anyway some children came along with their mother. All of us are Korean. We children gathered in my small room, and gave a short pray to God.
The adults sang psalms and prayed quite a long time. I peeked out and shut the door in a hurry. The adults looked like robbots. They all moved in a same way. The pray repeats "God, god, when we die......please bla bla bla..."
After all had gone, I opened the pray book, but I threw it away because I can't understand anything. I just pray , "God , I praise you and love you. Please bless my family and me."

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 3

Singapor Art Gallery

Went to Singapore Art Gallery. Saw many pictures. Some are very shocking, some are
scaring. No gorgeous pictures. The most shocking works was a sculpture, clothed of hundreds of squrrils' hides. I could se the legs and ears of the squrrels are hanging.

I also saw many pictures of humans. They had black, green and most of all pink hairs with small pupils in the eyes. Very queer paintings. But they are the works of a famous artist they say.
I cannot understand the works.

After having lunch we went to Singapore National Museum to appreciate the Greek Sculptures where I met Greek Gods and Goddesses. I said hello to dumb Apollo and challenging Athena. I waved my hand to mischivious Cupid ( Stupid...). I bowed to beautiful Aporodite and bright Artemis. I ignored Ares, the God of the war.

I especially loved th vases(amphoras) more than any other things. They are very gorgeous, aren't they?

I really enjoyed my vacation. It was a perfect day.

Kyu Won's Journal 2

Pirates of the Caribbean

This evening my sister and me watched a movie , 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. There was a pirate named a"Jack Sparrow". I mean captain Jack Sparrow. The movie was full of excitement and thrill. I can remember pirate's song. " Ho ho ho ho, the pirate's life!"
After the movie I wanted to be a pirate. Because pirates have a lot of adventures and go around the world and defeat some bad people. But wait a second. Pirates can not play with dolls and I think they even cannot eat pizza or hamburgers, they cannot enjoy many flowers on land......
I 'd rather give up being a pirate. I want to be what I am!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 1

After school today when I finished my homework, I was bored so I began to write about my grandmother so that I can show it to my sister when she comes home. Well, there was once my grandmother forgot to hang out my school uniform and I did not have any uniform to wear for school that day. I had to wear a set of wet uniform to school. There was once when she forgot to set the alarm clock, my sister woke up late for school! Once she put an umbrella into the washing machine. The machine went, " Bom! Bom! Bom! " When I went to school, she did not pack my water bottle. I was dying of thirst. Of course! She overcooks and burnt food. Oh man! However I love her because she can be mischievous like a boy
