Sunday, March 16, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 3

Singapor Art Gallery

Went to Singapore Art Gallery. Saw many pictures. Some are very shocking, some are
scaring. No gorgeous pictures. The most shocking works was a sculpture, clothed of hundreds of squrrils' hides. I could se the legs and ears of the squrrels are hanging.

I also saw many pictures of humans. They had black, green and most of all pink hairs with small pupils in the eyes. Very queer paintings. But they are the works of a famous artist they say.
I cannot understand the works.

After having lunch we went to Singapore National Museum to appreciate the Greek Sculptures where I met Greek Gods and Goddesses. I said hello to dumb Apollo and challenging Athena. I waved my hand to mischivious Cupid ( Stupid...). I bowed to beautiful Aporodite and bright Artemis. I ignored Ares, the God of the war.

I especially loved th vases(amphoras) more than any other things. They are very gorgeous, aren't they?

I really enjoyed my vacation. It was a perfect day.

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