Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 60

In Church

I went to church. The pastor poured water into three cups and explained something. It was very boring. Not only his preaching was boring but also the pastor himself looks bored, too. I think the pastor will give up the job and say," This job is boring. I'd like to be a police. It would be exciting."

I was so soaked in my imagination that I forgot to pray and just sat down helplessly. I said to myself, " If I were a pastor, I would tell jokes and funny tales about Jesus." But that's all a dream.

Kyu Won's Journal 59

Repelling The Stress

How do you repell your stress ? You don't know? You just keep it in your head cage until it bursts? If you have no ideas, I'll give you one.

If you are cold or not, just take a hot bath humming your favourite song. After that, take out your white sketchbook and some color pencils and draw whatever you like. Then, close your eyes and go around the house and open them. You feel your stress has gotten away! How do you feel?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 58

Reflection Of The Experience of Recording

This morning felt like an ordinary dull day. But it was not as I had to go to school even though it was Saturday. As I was very excited, I could barely eat my breakfast. My heart was full of excitement, wonde and scare. I was scared I would miss the bus or go to the wrong place. But when I saw my friends I forgot all my worries.

It was a little strange to take a journey with still unfamiliar faces. But I think I enjoyed it.

The studio looked like an ordinary house but a little bigger( A house with no bed~). Then we squeezed into a little hot room. We sang to record our songs.
But I was not satisfied with my voice. Soon I got my voice and sang as beautiful as I can. We were not as good as larks but still good. Recording our songs in the studio was a special experience.

Kyu Won's Journal 57

An Idea To Share

Hello! Of course I'm Kyu Won. I want to share something smart with you. Two months ago my grandmother has bought me a smartly designed notebook. I have written my private feelings in it. I only let my grand read it. I didn't let even my sis see it. When I sprained my ankle, I wrote down my wretched feelings and it calmed me down.

When I grow up I will give it to my children, who will pass it to their children. They will do the same as I have done. Wow, a life can be change dinteresting just by a smartly designed notebook.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 56


I've got a pet. I named it Tini.
T for Trantada- here I come!
I for In Super Fame!
N for Never get sick!
I again for I love you!

It is a puddle and has brown fur. It wags tail so softly. It is only 7 week old, and one span long. It cannot bark but wail. He has to learn al lot in my house. Today he saw my pencil on the floor, and jumped back. That is one of his learnings, I think.

I drew a picture of him, and stuck it on the front door. That way, Tini will be famous!

Kyu Won's Journal 55

I Granted Mother's Wish

Time to study as usual, but more. I need to study English grammar with Grandma. And picky math, bumpy science will drive me mad. And close! O, forget about it! P4 Close, P4 Korean Math, P4 Korean Social studies are driving me mad. But I'd keep going so that Ma will be pleased when she comes to see us.

Mother once said," A girl of mine will finish a math exercise book in a week!" I granted her wish, and fell into bed with exhaustion!

Kyu Won's Journal 54

Bicycle Riding

Today I went ona ride on my tutor's bicycle. I couldn't stop saying,"Faster, faster." I guess that was the only thing I said during two hours' riding. While riding, the beautiful falling leaves were more than a hindrance.

Maybe I would like to ride like a hurricane. But if I rode too fast , I might ruin the bicycle, so I'd better be a fast wind. Some leaves followed me and disturbed me, I hated it. The soft wind made my imagination fly away, and I was peaceful at last. So smoothing. Smiling, I said,"Wee~!"

Kyu Won's Journal 53

A New Baby

A cute and joyful news is floated by our neighbours. One of our neighbour said her daughter- in- law got a new baby girl! We rushed to see that new princess. I washed my hands with soap that has elegant smell of the rose before touching the baby.

The little baby looked like the sun as the family could not live without her. She smiled but soon dozed up to un-snoring-sleep. I touched the baby's feet. They wriggled, so lovely. From head to bottom the baby is so cute that I felt like shaking or tapping the baby.