Saturday, September 6, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 58

Reflection Of The Experience of Recording

This morning felt like an ordinary dull day. But it was not as I had to go to school even though it was Saturday. As I was very excited, I could barely eat my breakfast. My heart was full of excitement, wonde and scare. I was scared I would miss the bus or go to the wrong place. But when I saw my friends I forgot all my worries.

It was a little strange to take a journey with still unfamiliar faces. But I think I enjoyed it.

The studio looked like an ordinary house but a little bigger( A house with no bed~). Then we squeezed into a little hot room. We sang to record our songs.
But I was not satisfied with my voice. Soon I got my voice and sang as beautiful as I can. We were not as good as larks but still good. Recording our songs in the studio was a special experience.

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