Thursday, October 23, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 71

Dying Lives

As usual, our family talked at dinner table about what had happened during the day time. The following was my story:

While I was coming back home, I saw a bee dying. It was flapping its wings and making a buzzing sound that I hated. I almost screamed at the desperating sound at the top of my tiny lungs! Well, I think my lungs are tiny. That's all.

Then, a tiny lizard (tinier than my lung, I think so) ran out of a shrub to the bee and gobbled it down. "Wow~, that guy must have been jolly hungry!", I thought. Poor little lives. They got eaten in a blink of an eye. After witnessing that horrible scene, I think life is very disgusting.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 70

A Recipe To Be A Good Girl

Today, Grand was upset 'caus my sister and I fought. I felt guilty. So I decided to be good. If you want to be good also, you'll just to see this recipe.

How to make a naughty one into a good one

1. If you are dirty, go and wash at once.
2. Grab a book and start studying no matter what time it is.
3. Say " It was really yummy mom, and I mean it." after every single meal or snack.
4.Be fairy like to your siblings.
5.Never ever say idiotic words used by street boys,
6. Do your chores and give massage to parents or grandparents and ask them to tell you the stories when they were young. And I know theyill laugh and tell you one willingly.

After you follow these recipe, write down your praise you got. Maybe you'll get 100!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 69

The Racist
I read a book about the racists. They think white people are superior to the blakck-skinned. I was surprised that people in the 21st century are still racists. Why, this is the 21st century for goodness sake.

Some black skinned people are just like us. Just note Conzales Laiza( a minister of Defence in U.S. A.) How respectful she is! Indeed no difference between the colors of skin. If you were a black skinned people being treated badly, how would you feel?

Well, maybe in your pre-life you had been a black-skinned person. And pre life of the blackskinned person also might be a white-skinned saying nasty things about black-skinned. How do we know?

So from now on, I'd love to see black and white cooperating with each other.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 68

Children's Day

My sister and I woke up with a wide grin. It was Children's Day. No School!
Our Grand told us we could play for 1 hour in the morning, singing ,dancing, playing computer games, anything we like. We sang a song. It goes,"Ha, ho,ha, ho, what a day! Don't need to make our beds, don't need to put on silly dresses which is very lady like, no pencils, no notebooks, hurray, hurray! Away off those horrid books, so listen what we say. Ho, ho , it's Children's Day."

After we sang, we put on our clothes that we wanted to put on. Grandma made us our special breakfast, mushroom soup with black berry bread.

My tutor bought us seventeen adorable guppies and two miniature tortoise. Imagine that I squealed with happoiness. And that's not all. Grandmother came with a bundle of carnations to give us. After all the fun things Grandma brought us to Pizza hut for dinner. A happy day.

Kyu Won's Journal 67

Do Malayan Pets fast?

Some in my class are Malayans. They are fasting nowadays. Some of them have pets. And when their pets come, they will become Malayan cats, dogs or birds(and hamsters). Well, if my friends fast, what about their pets? Do they fast, too?

Some say no, some say yes. I say yes. If I were a Malayan, and my family and I were praying, I would make my pet sit straight-non- making sound and closed its eyes.

Then, if I were a Malayan, I would change my name Nura or Nabila , something like that.

Kyu Won's Journal 66

Invited to the Birthday Party.

I began to get ready for S's birthday. I bought gifts and wrapped them in a beautiful wrapping paper. I bought a beautiful memorandum plus a soft room marker. My sister wanted that room marker but I refused to give it to her. Actually I also wanted to keep the sweet room marker.

However my granny said," The thing that you like is just a thing for a gift." That's how come I decided to give S the sweet room marker. My sister willingly agreed and helped me wrap my presents for S. I hope S will get pleased .

Kyu Won's Journal 65

Show and Tell

Today was a boring day. I got a stomach ache and worst of all, I was supposed to have my show and tell. I wished my bus would have a driving accident like one of wheel getting stuck or getting caught in a drain. But of course the bus was coming fine and merrily as usual.

I felt horrible when teacher called my name to do my show and tell. I started in a loud and clear voice. I began to enjoy myself and did my show and tell happily and contentedly. Bet I get good marks.

Kyu Won's Journal 64

Sad Departure

Ma left today. It was a tearful good bye. Before Ma left, I smiled and promised I would be good. But when the taxi drove away, tears like rooster's dung began to fall. My granny comforted me by telling me that she will come back at Christmas.
I couldn't sleep. So I woke up and wrote my journal. My grandma told me stories and that put me to sleep. I dreamed of Ms's coming back.

Ma, I miss you!

Kyu Won's Journal 63

In Genting

We' are at last at Genting , Malay. Our hotel had a lot of things to do! I rode bang bang car 8 times. Ma ma says I am good at driving. I did so well in driving bong bong, some of the people clapped at me. I also went to the haunted house, and came out crying. It was so scary.

I also tried on a roller coaster. Phew! What a thrill!
After all that adventure I was tired and fell asleep.

Kyu Won's Journal 62

In Kualalumpur

We went to the swimming pool in the hotel this morning. The pool was full of freezing ice water. Burr...... It was so cold that it was hard to breathe.

After swimming we went to the palace . We couldn't enter the palace so we just took some pictures with a man who guarded the palace. The guardian seemed to hate people taking picture of him.

We were hot, hot, hot with a capital letter 'H'. So we went into a airconditioned museum. Than I sat on the stairs to take a short rest before seeing the exhibition. I admired Muslim's exquisite art .

Kyu Won's Journal 61

Ma's Coming!

From all the day to today, I've missed Ma. Today my ma is coming. I waited impatiently walking around as I couldn't sit still like a monkey. I went out to the lobby to meet her. Some cars swashed by. I looked every faces in the car in just two second for Ma. Then one yellow taxi stopped suddenly before me. A lady with a brown necklace and a brown shirt got down. I saw it. "It", the "it" was right beside me and it was my Ma!