Saturday, August 23, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal (The School Full Of Love) 53

Anny's First Day To School-4

Anny looked around and touched the thing that looked very unfamiliar. The desk was plane but the bottom of the desk was metalic grid. Anny thought," Why is there metalic grid here? " She soon discovered it was for books to put.

She listened carefully through the whole lessons and finally when school ended, Anny bolted up and lined outside. She couldn't just wait to see her ma outside!

Anny followed her grumpy looking teacher whose back was bent. She walked downstairs, carefully not to tip over as she had done on the way up. She was wondeing who of these many pupils would be her trusted friend. She once again turned around just enough time to look at all the other pupils. She admired the paintings on the wall along the corridors and the stairs.

When she was almost at the main gate, she saw her ma waiting and waving at her. Anny ran......
(to be continued)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 52

Anny's First Day To School

Anny found herself in the front of the class. "Er...", she didn't know where to sit down. But when her teacher came in, she couldn't hesitate anymore. She quickly went to a vacant desk next to a girl staring at her. She followed kids as they stood up , greeted the teacher and sat down. They sounded like robots! Anny almost giggles loud, but put her hand over her mouth.

She wrote down some notes and obserbed her class and classmates. She stroke her desk, and thought, "Ha, ha, how could this desk be so small? The desks in my homeland classes are made of clean wood. This grey color of the desk is spooky." Then she spotted a thing very different from her homeland school.
( to be continued)

Friday, August 15, 2008

The School Full Of Love-2

Anny's First Day To School -2
Annie's mouth hit the ground. Her form teacher wa s a tall grandpa looking almost 2m high. He wore dark black jeans and had sharp eyebrows. But his eyes told that he was friendly.
Anny studied him for a while. He looked almost about 70. Anny had never met a 70 year old grandpa and she wonderd what he will be like. Strong enough? Too strict? Scary? Miserable? Stupid? Anny found no answer for that.

But another trouble was waiting just for her.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The School Full Of Love -1

Anny's First Day To School

Some meters away from my house is a little school called Honcord Primary. There are lots of kids going to that school. One of my best~est friend Anny attends there. Well, I am gonna tell you all about it.

When Anny first went to Honcord primary school, she said her byebyes to her Grandma and aboard a bus with Ma. She was very nervous not to find her classroom. But she could find her class by looking the numbers on the chair for the new comers for at least five minutes.She took the seat with relief. In front of her sat a Philipine girl called Mary.

The first day was dark and gloomy. The hall was a perfect place for watching horror movies.Anny took a moment to study the hall. The hall was big and had a large stage. Anny looked at the teachers walking around. She decided her form teacher would be a young pretty woman with brown hair. But when she saw her form teacher, her mouth touched the ground.

Kyu Won's Journal 51

Grapes into Pearls

They determined to survive and they ater the things the fox had eaten. And soon they began to feel something......

A few months later, Sarah's father and Jimmy's father went hunting. They caught one wolf, one fox and two rabbits. The fox was the one which ate the grapes. Whent the fathers cut the fox into half , they were surprised to find two beautiful pearls.

Sarah's father said, "This pearl looks like a ripe grape." Jimmy's father said, " This pearl looks like an unripe pearl." They gave the pearls to their child respectively. And the children recognized that the pearls were from their grapes.

Kyu Won's Journal 50

Kyu Won's Journal 50

Monday, August 11, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 49

Grapes Into Pearls

The fox asked the grapes,"May I take a part?" The grapes eagerly agreed and let the fox dance with them. So the grape folk dance continued. They skipped and hopped and rolled. The fox himself enjoyed dancing that made him even more hungry.

When the two grapes rolled, the fox turned quickly and ate them up! The two grapes were shocked and scared. The fox's belly was hot and dark. There wasn't enough air to breathe. But whenever the fox breathed in they jumped high to get some air.They thought ," We can't die like this in the vile fox's belly. We should survive and be something valueable." (to be continued)

Kyu Won's Journal 48

Grapes Into Pearls

In a village beside the forest, lived a boy called Jimmy and a girl named Sarah. They were good friends. One day they found a packet of grape seeds. They equally divided them into two and brought them to their homes. Sarah and Jimmy planted the seeds and soon the roots grew and grapes began to appear. In Jimmy's, one of the unripe purple grapes fell to the ground. "Ow! I didn't thought I would fall down," the unripe grape said and rolled away to the hill. In Sara's, a ripe grape fell. "Ouch! That hurts!" The grape said and rolled away to the hill.

The two grapes met each other on the top of the hill. They were happy and danced a grapy dance. They rolled and hopped . They didn't notice a sly fox watching them. The fox said to itself,"Hmm... a ripe grape and an unripe grape. They will make perfect dinner." The fox was a vegetarian and grapes were his favourite. The fox pretended to be a nice fox and ......( be continued)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 47

A Magical Dream

I had a dream, a special magical dream I ever had. I saw a mermaid on a rock with a silver mobile phone and saying like ordinary people. She had a handbag and glasses. I followed her into the sea. Her house looked like mine. I had to admit she was very ordinary.

She had short black hair and a spot under her eye. Her skin was brownish and her nose was not perfect. She also had a watch on her left hand, and her tail was white. She even had glasses. I had to admit she was ugly. I tapped her. She turned and screamed and I woke up. Hew! It was all just a dream.