Monday, August 11, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 48

Grapes Into Pearls

In a village beside the forest, lived a boy called Jimmy and a girl named Sarah. They were good friends. One day they found a packet of grape seeds. They equally divided them into two and brought them to their homes. Sarah and Jimmy planted the seeds and soon the roots grew and grapes began to appear. In Jimmy's, one of the unripe purple grapes fell to the ground. "Ow! I didn't thought I would fall down," the unripe grape said and rolled away to the hill. In Sara's, a ripe grape fell. "Ouch! That hurts!" The grape said and rolled away to the hill.

The two grapes met each other on the top of the hill. They were happy and danced a grapy dance. They rolled and hopped . They didn't notice a sly fox watching them. The fox said to itself,"Hmm... a ripe grape and an unripe grape. They will make perfect dinner." The fox was a vegetarian and grapes were his favourite. The fox pretended to be a nice fox and ......( be continued)

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