Sunday, August 17, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 52

Anny's First Day To School

Anny found herself in the front of the class. "Er...", she didn't know where to sit down. But when her teacher came in, she couldn't hesitate anymore. She quickly went to a vacant desk next to a girl staring at her. She followed kids as they stood up , greeted the teacher and sat down. They sounded like robots! Anny almost giggles loud, but put her hand over her mouth.

She wrote down some notes and obserbed her class and classmates. She stroke her desk, and thought, "Ha, ha, how could this desk be so small? The desks in my homeland classes are made of clean wood. This grey color of the desk is spooky." Then she spotted a thing very different from her homeland school.
( to be continued)

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