Friday, May 30, 2008

Going To East Coast

This afternoon my family went on a picnic to East Coast. It was the first time for me to be there. It was a beautiful place with many trees and sea sight.

My sister and I went to the shop to rent roller skates. My sister's feet are so big that the owner said, "Big, big feet." I laughed and Sister's punch flew onto my head. Narrowly I avoided the punch.What a windfall! We skated up and down, down and up till being tired.

Next I went to the seashore. The waves tried to catch me and I ran away. I collected some seeweeds on the sand and studied it. It has buoy balls . It was precious to me and I wanted to keep it, but Granny said no.

AT last my tummy rumbled. We went to a restaurant and ate Turkish dishes. They were excellent food. After supper we rode Viking. It was scary but exciting. I really had much fun .

Kyu Won's Journal 31

Playing in the rain

Did you ever play in the rain? Did you ever slide on a rainy day? Well, all these things are what I've done this afternoon. After lunch I complained,"It is a boring afternoon ." Granny suggested," How about playing in the rain?" I thought I was born free and I agreed to go out into the rain. It rained and rained. Nothing more. The sidewalk was resting because no one was walking on it. All the trees seemed overjoyed with the shower.
I walked and jumped in the downpouring rain. I even sat in the puddle. Soon I got drenched. I went to the playground to slide. The wet slide was very slippery. I enjoyed sliding back,when trying to step onto it. Playing in the rain makes me almost fly. Ssuch a nice feeling!
However , working was waiting for me again. Woo~.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 30

I bathe mor than 10 times.

Today I bathed 11 times. How is it possible? Well,if you are shy as a cat, or timid as a mouse, you bathe more than 1o times a day.

In the morning I was worrying about finding my choir room. And the worrying bathed me from my thinking head to my wiggly toes. Next the relief of finding the room gave me a second bath. Third, a shower of song. Fourth , a real shower of water , and a shower of laughter at lunch table.

More showers of hunger, fullness, love,happiness, sleepiness and peace. Wow~, I really showered a lot, didn't I?

Kyu Won's Journal 29


This is the day of my choir. My choir teacher always says, "Singing is for life." I don't understand the meaning exactly.

In the morning I regretted participating the choir, thinking I would get into a very, very big trouble. I just wanted to enjoy my vacation reading books or playing games on internet. I stamped my feet and pulled out the tissue paper from the tissue box and I put the paper back into the box in vain. However I was forced to go.

When I finished singing and coming back home , I found myself as happy as a lark. I was too happy and I felt like soaring up.

I mumbled," Stupid me, stupid me." And now I am looking forward to tomorrow for singing again in choir. Now I understand that singing is really for life.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 28

The Day After Tomorrow

The film "The Dday After Tomorrow" sounds very attractive.I watched it.
Storms, floods, hurricanes and most of all tonadoes were panic. The melted arctic caused climate disaster and all United States of America is flooded and frozen. Most of the people were frozen to death, and our clever hero and some of his friends survived. They burnt every books from the library and chairs. They ate snacks from the vending machines to survive.

After watching this movie, I thought the earth really needs help. And I also thought if it happens, I will bring all my things that can be burnt wherever I go. But will it really happen?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 27

What is the country GRandpa lives like?

The country my granpa lives is the place none can go. If anyone is over 70, 80 or 90 years old, they can probably go there. I have never seen anyone who has been there.

Do you think there is a school in that country?
Do you think they study like on earth? Can they have pain? No one can answer.

The country my grandpa lives is so vast that all the people around the world can look it up. If we go there, it would be completely different, I think.

The country is heaven. I always guess what heaven is like. And I pray Grandpa lives happy life there. Grandpa can look down at us, and be our guardian angel, but I can't , I can't see him. I can't, I can't......

Kyu Won's Journal 26

My Granny's Birthday

Today is Granny's birthday. Sister and I went to poplar to get paper for cards. "Oh, brother, this paper has not the pattern I like . I want a stripe pattern," I thought. My sister was jumping around like a mouse on fire to find her paper. "Micky mucky muck! A-reeta! I found it. Bright pink of memory," she said holding out a picky-peachy-pink paper. She stared at the card paper as if she had just dug out gold mine. Then shook her card paper right under my face,laughing "He, he, he! You will never, ever, ne~ver find a card exquisite enough like this! " I picked white yellow one with stripes. I like the colour just like a butterfly.

Then we ran to the bakery to buy a perfect cake for Granny. Both Granny and we like cheese cake. So we got the cake and sprang home. Granny was so pleased and huggeed us. A~ so good.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 25

My friend M

One of my friends I like best is M. When she met first, we quarreled very often, just like a mouse and a cat, or fire and water. But now we are like a cat and a cat, a mouse and a mouse, or fire and fire! I don't know how come to this. Does
quarreling lead to friendship sometimes? I wish we have

Kyu Won's Journal 24

Swarnika Went Away

My friend Swarnika went to her home in India. This was the last word I heard from Swanika, "Bye-bye, Kyu Won." I responded very normally. Too normally, so it pierced my heart!

Sarnika looked very excited. I thought, " I'd better not look sad." However I was so busy , I was getting out of trouble myself and I didn't have time looking sad.

When I had free time, Swarnika's cute brown eyes would not go away from my mind. I think she is not truely gone because I can still feel her presence from somewhere , somewhere near . Well, I wish you all the best, Swarnika!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 23

A deadly earthquake

China had an earthquake, a deadly, deadly, deadly earthquake.
Many people were killed and injured. Many people whose family members are buried under the collapse are crying now.

My granny said, "Some earthquakes are very strong. The one that struck China this time is very strong."
I responded,"That's a devil earthquake."

When I think about a dealy earthquake which occurs here and there on earth, I come to shiver, shake, quiver quack.

I wish they would be relieved very soon.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 22

Granny Day 2

My sister and I gave Granny our homemade card. I also gave her a red carnation I made myself. I put a little ribbon around it. She was full of happiness. She said, "How have you thought of this? Thank you very much."

We sang songs for her. My sister has a beautiful voice like a little lark(that just caught a fly or whatever).

And then we joyfully ate our breakfast with lots and lots of laughter, The sun rose and began to do its work glowing . I also had somework to be done on Mother's Day.

I sometimes fly into a rage when my sister tease me, but not on Mother's Day ( well, I tried to, though). Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 21

Granny's Day

There was a spring in my steps as I walked across the class room. Why?

well, I've just made a sketch of Mother's Day card for my granny. Whe is not my mother but the second apple of my eyes.
When I was thinking how to design my cards, Kasy( my imaginary friend, as I said before) was flying around the room making all kinds of dust(that I call fairy dust), so I shoo her away.

I was planning a surprise for my grany,so told my plan to my sister.
When she heard of this, her eyes sparkled like tiny stars in the wide sky with exceitment.
Her mouth was wide open to speak but I didn't let her. She might scream!

Well, tomorrow I think I'll write more . Now I'm really tired. A~~, good night.

Kyu Won's Journal 20


With a cliffy nose on her face,
the black field of hair get its colour white and black,
foxy eyes left and right,
red lips up and down always speak to me and you.
Nothing but a human being , nothing special.
That is my dearest Ma.

With Ma my family went to the park by my condo to eat satay.
Satay is my favourite food. All my family like it. I ate so much that my stomach was as round as a basket ball!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 19

The Third day with Ma. This afternoon I went to a museum and a gallery with my family. In the gallery I saw many beautiful pictures, but some were ugly. We went to peranakan museum, where I saw many luxurious traditional artcrafts. Whenever I think somebody had trouble to do all the works, I sighed.

Next we went to the department store. I was very hungry but Ma didn't pay any attention to me. She gave all her attention to the clothes. But when she bought me a brand new skirt and a T-shirt, I forgot the pangs of my hunger.

After coming home, Ma and I went swimming. She taught me how to swim frog star. How cool my mother is! We had a good time.