Sunday, June 29, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 42

An Unflying Bird

Today I made up a lyric and gave a melody . I hummed it all day. Would you like to hear?

Something has made me an unflying bird.
That is what I feel when the wind blows.
All the birds has gone to the spring land,
Oh, leaving me in the land of lonliness.
Ah, ah, unable to fly to the spring land,
Snow and ice are coming down,
Thinking like I'm in a nightmare,
Something, something has made me
Um~~~~ um~~~~an unflying bird!

Kyu Won's Journal 41

A Very, Very Slow Breakfast

Today I had a very slow breakfast, tortoise breakfast. Grandma gave me a pear, some bread and jam and a cup of milo drink. I slowly picked up my pear and nibbled. I am a slow fruit eater, you know. I picked up my milo and sipped it leisurely . I am a very slow sippeer. Then I ate my bread bit by bit. I enjoyed slow eating.

After nibbling, sipping, and biting for quite many minutes, I still didn't finish my breakfast. Grandma shouted,"Be quick! You, tortoise!" But I still think I am faster than a tortoise. Why?

Tortoise who lives in a green swamp crawls for 12 hours to get to its home, and begins to make its breakfast at 9:00 , and eats breakfast at 3:00 and finishes eating in the evening. It probably takes him a whole day to have a meal! Ha! I am faster than a tortoise, am I not?

Monday, June 23, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 40

School, I Have Missed You

The clock tells me the time, tick ,tock, tick. tock. My heart tells me the time, thumb, bumb, thumb, bumb. My escitement tells me th time, tick, tock, thumb, bumb.

I'm going to school! My excitement burst out to the open wide world. As I went into the school bus, when I arrived at school, and when I went into class, I was strained. I told mywelf,"Big fat terribly stupid Kyuwon, you are so stupid. You don't know the word, 'dare' ".

I breathed deeply and said hello to all my friends( not all). It seemed like I saw them very yesterday. Before studying, I said, "Big fat terribly stupid Kyuwon, you are so stupid. You don't know the word,'impossible' ".

Friday, June 20, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 39

I Miss Pa
It has been more than seven months since I saw Pa last. Because of my paternal grandpa's long sickness and death, my pa was too busy. Pa has to work and help our Grandmother who is also sick. My father is a running machine.

I really want to see my pa, and my grandmother. My pa is forty with short black curly hair that looks like waves in the sea. He always carries a brown bag full of interesting things, like artcrafts, camera, model mouse and so on. He is a computer teacher. He teaches computer programming and making website. My sister and I liked to see his website and his works on the computer . He is a fast driver, but not like a race car driver.

I love Pa more than 10,000 candies, 20,000 emeralds, 30,000 diamonds, and $500,000,000! Oh, I miss him so much!

Kyu Won's Journal 38

I am a part of nature

Jumping rope under a tree, I see it now that I am a part of nature. Singing with the crackling bugs and chirping bird, I see it now that I am a part of nature. Reading under a tree I also feel the same.

In the open air I feel fresh, fresh like a morning dew on a leaf. Come out of the house and just have a good laugh. And you will see you yourself are nature. We all are nature.

Kyu Won's Journal 38

Friday, June 13, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 37

I'm So Old

Today I was very sad I'm so old. The playground which looked familiar looks like a strange place now. When I go there, I feel embarrassed. And it terribly means to me that I am growing up. Sometimes I do not want to be old. I want to stay a little child like Peter Pan.

I know I 've got grown taller and bigger when I find my shorts and shirts don't fit me anymore. And I've changed from I who used to be last year. My books become thicker and has more complicated stories to read. It all tells me terribly perfectly that I am growing! Just like a plant!

Kyu Won's Journal 36

A Busy Day

Everybody has busy mornings. However I had a very busy morning, afternoon and night. Why? You may wonder. I had to wake up early in the morning to learn stupid Chinese. And after that, when I went to the kitchen to have a glass of water, I split it. I muttered, " Typical." And I vowed to stay calm all day. However, even I vowed, I couldn't help my heart going tippy-tip-hoppy-hop. It was like my heart was doing jumping rope.

I cleaned my bed room, learning new words by heart at the same time. I went to the toilet with a book in my hand. I learned my spellings ,arranging the books on my desk. I was like a working machine which had no time to play.
(But my sister calls me a copy machine because I always copy her everything. )

The only time when I felt calm is when I went to the library. I fished the books my teacher recommended, but when I reeled the string, I found no fish. At night I had to study math. Oh, what a busy day!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 35

Life is full of......

What do you think life is full of? If you ask me, I will say "Life is full of patience." My granny told me that one sentence means lots of things.

However, I love the sentence, " Life is full of wonder." Why? Well , it makes my heart leap. It is a good sentence for a poem like this.

Life is full of patience.
Life is full of pains , they say
Life is full of happiness
Life is full of wonder to me.

I made it up in a short time, so it does not make sense. Anyway life is full of anything, anything you feel.

Kyu Won's Journal 34


I'm here in Bintan. I came here by taxi, ferry and bus. I had see-sick and taxi-sick. When we reached the hotel, hotel staffs welcomed us by dancing and playing drums. I felt very important. The dancers smiled a big , big smile. Their mouth ends were touching their ears. They looked so happy.

They offered us a drink, but it was yucky to me. It was far from sweet, but I tried to make a smile.

The beach in Bintan was so beautiful and clean. The waves were so charming. They all seemed to welcome me," Come on in, Kyu Won!"

At night I saw the twinkling stars right upon my head. It seemed all stars gather in the sky of Bintan.

I'm too sleepy to write on now. Good night.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 33

Going to Bintan Island

Hey, do you know that I am going to the legendary, mysterious island Bintan ? I have wanted to go there for long. Granny says that the water in that island is clear just like crystal .

Granny and I went shopping for the trip. I was so excited that I pattered following Granny through the aisle of the mart. We filled our basket and the only thing left was to pay. But there waited a disaster. Oh, no. Not enough money in the purse.We had to give up a few items. "Sorry," my granny said loudly and the two men behind us heard her and laughed . Granny's face got red, and I was more embarrassed than a naked girl.

Ah~ I wish such a thing would not happen for me later again!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 32

A Book with no letters

I went home in Korea. I was very happy. As soon as I got home, I ran to my room filled with my books. How much I had longed to be home and be with my books!

I picked up my favourite book, The Legendary Tale in Philippine, as I had already forgot the tales in it. I was so happy that the cover of the book felt like a light feather. However when I opened it, to my dismay , it had no letters, no pictures on every page. I was so disappointed that I cried out. At that time, I heard Granny's voice,"Kyu Won, wake up. Wake up. The sun is looking down at you!" I realized it was only a dream.

Oh, My books in my room and my pet dog Lammy!