Friday, June 13, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 36

A Busy Day

Everybody has busy mornings. However I had a very busy morning, afternoon and night. Why? You may wonder. I had to wake up early in the morning to learn stupid Chinese. And after that, when I went to the kitchen to have a glass of water, I split it. I muttered, " Typical." And I vowed to stay calm all day. However, even I vowed, I couldn't help my heart going tippy-tip-hoppy-hop. It was like my heart was doing jumping rope.

I cleaned my bed room, learning new words by heart at the same time. I went to the toilet with a book in my hand. I learned my spellings ,arranging the books on my desk. I was like a working machine which had no time to play.
(But my sister calls me a copy machine because I always copy her everything. )

The only time when I felt calm is when I went to the library. I fished the books my teacher recommended, but when I reeled the string, I found no fish. At night I had to study math. Oh, what a busy day!

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