Sunday, June 8, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 34


I'm here in Bintan. I came here by taxi, ferry and bus. I had see-sick and taxi-sick. When we reached the hotel, hotel staffs welcomed us by dancing and playing drums. I felt very important. The dancers smiled a big , big smile. Their mouth ends were touching their ears. They looked so happy.

They offered us a drink, but it was yucky to me. It was far from sweet, but I tried to make a smile.

The beach in Bintan was so beautiful and clean. The waves were so charming. They all seemed to welcome me," Come on in, Kyu Won!"

At night I saw the twinkling stars right upon my head. It seemed all stars gather in the sky of Bintan.

I'm too sleepy to write on now. Good night.

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