Friday, June 20, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 39

I Miss Pa
It has been more than seven months since I saw Pa last. Because of my paternal grandpa's long sickness and death, my pa was too busy. Pa has to work and help our Grandmother who is also sick. My father is a running machine.

I really want to see my pa, and my grandmother. My pa is forty with short black curly hair that looks like waves in the sea. He always carries a brown bag full of interesting things, like artcrafts, camera, model mouse and so on. He is a computer teacher. He teaches computer programming and making website. My sister and I liked to see his website and his works on the computer . He is a fast driver, but not like a race car driver.

I love Pa more than 10,000 candies, 20,000 emeralds, 30,000 diamonds, and $500,000,000! Oh, I miss him so much!

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