Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 47

I Hate Water

I got a dreadful and painful story to tell. I sprained one of my little footger(toe). This morning I was alright. But after six o'clock, at swimming lesson, I bumped with a hard board. I cried "AAAAA!"
I HATE WATER! Water is now my No. 1 enemy. I hate it. I would not go swimming for one whole month for punishment of water.

I cried because it was so painful. Grand says my tears are dropping like dungs of a rooster, ew~. I had a dreadful afternoon . Still my sister made me laugh and that's fine with me.

Once I said I wanted to have a sprained foot because once my Sis got a sprained ankle and was taken care of so dearly by Grand, and ta-da! wish granted! So now I know that next time I should not wish that. I learnt a good and painful lesson.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 46

My Flower

My flower never dies unless I wish. It will glow rosy red when I help it.
It will grow strongly if I do my things. It will bloom forever when I am good.

Do you have Your own flower? My flower loves to read books. So its room is full of books.

These flowers are called dream flowers. These flowers can grow anytime. They are hope flowers. When you first think, you want to do something like sowing a seed. Later you put some effort and then you overjoy the young plant. When you pray for it and you get it, your flower is blooming!

I hope to write books some day and become an author. I have read a lot of story books from MR. Brown, J.K. Rolling and Shakespeare. Their ideas are excellent.

If a good hope, your flower will shine. If it is bad and evil, your flower will be black and withered. But still they are just flowers, aren't they?

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 45

An interview with KyuWon

Good evening, my dear friends. My name is In. Today we're gonna interview Kyu Won who is mistress of this Journal. Let's chop-chop.

In: So what is your hobby, sir?
Kyu Won: Before I talk about it, first I am not 'sir'. Call me Miss.
In: Sorry. Answer the question, Miss.
K. Y.: My pleasure. My hobby is running around like a fox whose tail is on fire.
In:What's your favourite colour, toy and sport?
K. Y.:I like green, especially fresh light green like that of a budding leaves. I like bunnies. Furry bunnies. I really love to have real one so that I can hop with it with a skipping hop. And I love to play running ,not with boys, of course.
In: Oh, I see. Can you tell a story?
K.Y.: Of course, I love story telling. I will tell you one. Once ypon a time, in a village called Po-dol-ga um... somewhere in the upper volga lived a man who played the violin very well. Every night when work was ended he would pick up his fiddle and went up to the roof and played tunes so splendidly. Soon the merry dancing would begin when the villagers heard his fiddle playing. Everyone would soon be swaying toes and tap. Their feet would start to fly! And..."
In: Ha , ha! That's good, Miss. You are writing out of the page.
K.Y.: Sorry, Oh, look at the time. I'm going! (Kyu Won left)
In: And that was Kyu Won. (Bow and left.)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 44

My Little Lucky Shell

My little lucky shell, that came from under sea
I picked it up as I walked in the sandy sea
Lumpy on the back that makes me smile
Smooth in the shell that makes me happy.

I whispered a spell on the little shell
Out came a little lucky shell
I put it in a tiny jam bottle
Carry it wherever I go.

I took the magic shell to school today, and things really went right! At choir, the teacher sat beside me, and praised me. I made a new friend and that is really lucky. I borrowed a comic from a friend that I really wanted to read. I got all right in my math test, and my Grandma cooked me my favourite food! Oh, my lovely lucky shell!

Kyu Won's Journal 43

Making Granny Happy

It was a cosy afternoon. However I found something wrong. I was reading and that's alright. Sister was making her design and that's necessary to her. My grand mother! Grand was complaining and grumbling. I asked, " So what's that grumble?" Grand said, "You get money when you read books. Enjoying interesting books and making money! Who would pay for my reading? I've ever never been paid for reading. How unfair! It is allmy luck! Unhappy, miserable luck!" She sighed as if she had just lost something valuable.

When Grand went to do the laundry with a rainy look, Sister and I exchanged looks. I suggested , "Maybe we can put money in an ..." Sister finished my sentence "Envelope." I smiled my dippy smile and chuckled,"Yeap! money." I struggled my sister on the amount of money for a while, and made an agreement. So we put $24.90 in an envelope and gave it to Grand, who smiled her great, big, enormous smile!
Sister and I were also happy to be Grand's patron for the first time.