Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 43

Making Granny Happy

It was a cosy afternoon. However I found something wrong. I was reading and that's alright. Sister was making her design and that's necessary to her. My grand mother! Grand was complaining and grumbling. I asked, " So what's that grumble?" Grand said, "You get money when you read books. Enjoying interesting books and making money! Who would pay for my reading? I've ever never been paid for reading. How unfair! It is allmy luck! Unhappy, miserable luck!" She sighed as if she had just lost something valuable.

When Grand went to do the laundry with a rainy look, Sister and I exchanged looks. I suggested , "Maybe we can put money in an ..." Sister finished my sentence "Envelope." I smiled my dippy smile and chuckled,"Yeap! money." I struggled my sister on the amount of money for a while, and made an agreement. So we put $24.90 in an envelope and gave it to Grand, who smiled her great, big, enormous smile!
Sister and I were also happy to be Grand's patron for the first time.

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