Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 47

I Hate Water

I got a dreadful and painful story to tell. I sprained one of my little footger(toe). This morning I was alright. But after six o'clock, at swimming lesson, I bumped with a hard board. I cried "AAAAA!"
I HATE WATER! Water is now my No. 1 enemy. I hate it. I would not go swimming for one whole month for punishment of water.

I cried because it was so painful. Grand says my tears are dropping like dungs of a rooster, ew~. I had a dreadful afternoon . Still my sister made me laugh and that's fine with me.

Once I said I wanted to have a sprained foot because once my Sis got a sprained ankle and was taken care of so dearly by Grand, and ta-da! wish granted! So now I know that next time I should not wish that. I learnt a good and painful lesson.

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