Thursday, July 3, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 45

An interview with KyuWon

Good evening, my dear friends. My name is In. Today we're gonna interview Kyu Won who is mistress of this Journal. Let's chop-chop.

In: So what is your hobby, sir?
Kyu Won: Before I talk about it, first I am not 'sir'. Call me Miss.
In: Sorry. Answer the question, Miss.
K. Y.: My pleasure. My hobby is running around like a fox whose tail is on fire.
In:What's your favourite colour, toy and sport?
K. Y.:I like green, especially fresh light green like that of a budding leaves. I like bunnies. Furry bunnies. I really love to have real one so that I can hop with it with a skipping hop. And I love to play running ,not with boys, of course.
In: Oh, I see. Can you tell a story?
K.Y.: Of course, I love story telling. I will tell you one. Once ypon a time, in a village called Po-dol-ga um... somewhere in the upper volga lived a man who played the violin very well. Every night when work was ended he would pick up his fiddle and went up to the roof and played tunes so splendidly. Soon the merry dancing would begin when the villagers heard his fiddle playing. Everyone would soon be swaying toes and tap. Their feet would start to fly! And..."
In: Ha , ha! That's good, Miss. You are writing out of the page.
K.Y.: Sorry, Oh, look at the time. I'm going! (Kyu Won left)
In: And that was Kyu Won. (Bow and left.)

1 comment:

Mrs Sexy Lover said...

this is what interview? where do you have your interview????????????????????????????