Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 18

My Ma

I can't believe she is here. I really can't. I don't know why. Maybe too happy to believe it?

However, if you let me say, study time is here . Study time? I know you will ask what study time is.

Am......Mama bought me a watch, and she didn't forget to say," This is for you to look at the time and stop playing !" Wo~~~~w! How frightening!

My mother is very modern with short curly hair covering her shoulders and small sharp eyes and cliffy nose. She has reddish lips that always say,"Do your work!" Wo~~~w! How frightening!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 17

Mom's Coming!

My mother is comimg tomorrow. I can not wait ! Mother is coming.
She said on the phone," I'm arriving around at 12 o'clock. Maybe you can sleep and see me next morning. It would be a lovely surprise."

But I have another surprises for Ma. Our house has changed ever since Ma left. I have new fish, new flowers and a brand new wardrobe. I also got new shoes. I will wear my new blue dress and new...... new....... I 'm gonna hug her with a new heart!

But more than anything else I will surprise her with my progressed study. I can do English composition better than I did in Korea. My Grandma praised,"Progressed ,um...... you have progressed." Ma. Pa, Sis and Grandma will be happy with my work!

I'm going to buy a surprising present for Ma.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 16


My granny likes to pray. Humm...... Why? Should she pray ? Nothing helps. I think.

She says," God made us with soil. He made all the living things, and non living things. He made the flowers and butterflies you like, and the wood we need. We have to thank him."

And she prayed again! She goes to church on Sundays but I don't like going to churches. It is so boring, isn't it? Well, she prayed again.

I think when everybody on earth ( even the ugly or pretty creatures on moon) prays, God will be so pleased you think he or she(I'm not sure) make our lands bright?

Maybe he or she will rather make our hearts bright!

Kyu Won's Journal 15

Sing Along

I have five guppies. They are very small, no bigger than a thumb. But they are very very fast. I think they will get gold medals when they participate the Olympic games.
Whenever I watch them swimming, they make me humming. I can't help humming. So I have wanted to give them names, sing , sang, sung, song and sing along. But it's impossible to identify which is which, so I gave them a common name, sing along.

I made a song for my little friends.

Little guppies, here and there!
Swimming guppies , up and down!
One is red, one is blue,
One is yellow and again one is red!

Little guppies, here and there!
Singing guppies, up and down!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 14

Trees' Secret

When trees grow, everybody says,
They need only water, sunlight and soil.
But I know that's just not true.

Trees need the sweet songs of the birds,
trees need the poems that the wind tells,
trees need the rainbow that gives joy,
and fre4sh pearl dew the clouds give.

I hear trees whisper,
"Day and night the wind blows my leaves rustle
to sing sad songs with it.
But the sweet flowers bloom day and night
singing happy songs for bees and butterflies to dance.

The angels come down from the rainbows
and sit on my branches.
I need, I need feeling, joy and sadness.
Those ar the things I need to grow ever green.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 13

가 and 袈
'가' is a Korean letter. Yes, you get it! It is so simple. It is pronounced
'ga'. 'ㄱ' has the sound like 'k', and 'ㅏ' has the sound 'a'. And it combines and makes 'ga' . So easy. If you only know 24 alphabets, you will soon read and write Korean . And it only costs only a week, maybe.
How marvelous!

However, how about Chinese? The letters are so difficult, and no relation between the sound and spellings. To learn Chinese makes me mad. I have studied Chinese for months but it is in vain. I almost forgot all the spellings I struggled to memorize. How dreadful Chinese is !
Oh, Chinese, Chinese, how can I learn it?

Monday, April 21, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 12

Why are we born?

Why are we born? Can you imagine a planet with no human beings? That will be qwful! I asked my sister, "Sis, why are we born?" But my sister's answer did not give much help.

She said "We are born because we have to. You see you didn't decide to be born as my terribly active sister, but you were born to help your lofty sister. Now, won't you get me a drink?" I grumbled to myself.

But there is one point. We are born because we have to. But for what? For whom? For ourselves? For God?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 11

For some reasons

For some reasons there is something that has to be done. Chores? No-upe! Eating? Hey, do you think I am a big lazy pig lying in the sunshine a~ll day? Forget about it! ( I'm angry)

O. K. I will tell you my sister is 11 years old, with curly black hair that covers her shoulder. When we were swimming gracefully in the swimming pool, a Singaporean woman came to us and ask us,"Can you teach my daughters ? They want to learn Korean, and I heard you speaking in Korean." My sister and I were excited and said,"I'd like to but I"m going to ask my grandma first." I thought at that moment, if yes, it would be very good, and I would be light like a fairy.
and if no, my heart would be filled with dark cloud of sadness.

But not really yes. We were disappointed and protested why not. Grandma said everyone who can speaks Korean can't be a Korean teacher. Eventually Grandma decided to teach the girls instead of us.
Grandma allowed us to be her assistents from time to time. Any way I am glad we have new Singaporean friends.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 10


Forgotten for happiness,
forgotten for good.
No one knows you
walking in the blackwood.

Stars are shining that,
they know who you are.
The Sun is shining that,
it knows who you are.

Forgotten happiness,
forgotten for good.
No one knows you
walking in the black wood.
And the icy cold wind tells
you are forgotten forever.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 9

A Snowy day ( for show and tell)

Good morning teachers and my fellow students. Today I'm going to show and tell about a snowy day in Korea. I chose this topic because I have missed the cold season so much in this hot weather in Singapore. I think it's a blessing that we can live in four different seasons.

I have a lot of memories to make me happy whenever I recall the snowy days. One day last year we had a heavy snow. When I woke up I found a white world out of the window. How fantastic! A fairy land! I was so excited and awoke up my sister in a hurry. We ran out to make snowmen. My parents came out to join us. You know even grownups get excited on a snowy day? We made snowmen , big and small. Have you ever made a snowman as tall as you? I did. Frankly speaking, not by myself, but with my family all together. We tried tp build an igloo but we failed. The arched roof kept falling apart. It needed some special skill.

My favourite winter sport is snow sliding. Near my grandmother's house there is a steep hill.
The hill changes into slideing place every winter. Once I begin sliding, the speed gets faster and faster. So fast that I used to be afraid it would never stop. That thrill was so attractive to me .

How much I miss Korean winter and snow! Later when I go back to my homeland, I will roll myself in the snow, and do everything again and again.

Thank you for listening and being attentive.

Kyu Won's Journal 7

I woke up very early and took a walk in the park with my granny. This is a poem I wrote after coming back home.

A morning walk

You may see lots of things in the morning walk
you can't see at the daytime.

You may see two birds coming down
from the bough to catch worms.
One catched one but one didn't.

You may see flowers waking up in the morning sun.
Like diamonds their petals are shining.

You may see the morning dew sparkling
Fairies surely see it.
You may see two old ladies walking
and a little girl singing behind.

Kyu Won's Journal 6

Since the first day of school I have learnt a lot of things because I have wondered a lot. That just gives you the words that the world is full of wonder.

We wonder and we try to answer it. How? By accepting what you learn at school. I wondered what Singapore was like. I wondered what Singaporean looked like. That was how my wonder began when I came to Singapore.

Today I got all the answers. I am playing with friends from many races now. I had to learn all the knowledge from around me.

Today at school I came to know all the people have wonder and curiosity . R was curious about Korea. L was curious about my language.

We want to get those answers. Sometimes it takes many months and even many years. But we will all get our answers someday.

How happy I am to get my answers!