Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 13

가 and 袈
'가' is a Korean letter. Yes, you get it! It is so simple. It is pronounced
'ga'. 'ㄱ' has the sound like 'k', and 'ㅏ' has the sound 'a'. And it combines and makes 'ga' . So easy. If you only know 24 alphabets, you will soon read and write Korean . And it only costs only a week, maybe.
How marvelous!

However, how about Chinese? The letters are so difficult, and no relation between the sound and spellings. To learn Chinese makes me mad. I have studied Chinese for months but it is in vain. I almost forgot all the spellings I struggled to memorize. How dreadful Chinese is !
Oh, Chinese, Chinese, how can I learn it?

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