Monday, April 28, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 17

Mom's Coming!

My mother is comimg tomorrow. I can not wait ! Mother is coming.
She said on the phone," I'm arriving around at 12 o'clock. Maybe you can sleep and see me next morning. It would be a lovely surprise."

But I have another surprises for Ma. Our house has changed ever since Ma left. I have new fish, new flowers and a brand new wardrobe. I also got new shoes. I will wear my new blue dress and new...... new....... I 'm gonna hug her with a new heart!

But more than anything else I will surprise her with my progressed study. I can do English composition better than I did in Korea. My Grandma praised,"Progressed ,um...... you have progressed." Ma. Pa, Sis and Grandma will be happy with my work!

I'm going to buy a surprising present for Ma.

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