Thursday, October 23, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 71

Dying Lives

As usual, our family talked at dinner table about what had happened during the day time. The following was my story:

While I was coming back home, I saw a bee dying. It was flapping its wings and making a buzzing sound that I hated. I almost screamed at the desperating sound at the top of my tiny lungs! Well, I think my lungs are tiny. That's all.

Then, a tiny lizard (tinier than my lung, I think so) ran out of a shrub to the bee and gobbled it down. "Wow~, that guy must have been jolly hungry!", I thought. Poor little lives. They got eaten in a blink of an eye. After witnessing that horrible scene, I think life is very disgusting.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 70

A Recipe To Be A Good Girl

Today, Grand was upset 'caus my sister and I fought. I felt guilty. So I decided to be good. If you want to be good also, you'll just to see this recipe.

How to make a naughty one into a good one

1. If you are dirty, go and wash at once.
2. Grab a book and start studying no matter what time it is.
3. Say " It was really yummy mom, and I mean it." after every single meal or snack.
4.Be fairy like to your siblings.
5.Never ever say idiotic words used by street boys,
6. Do your chores and give massage to parents or grandparents and ask them to tell you the stories when they were young. And I know theyill laugh and tell you one willingly.

After you follow these recipe, write down your praise you got. Maybe you'll get 100!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 69

The Racist
I read a book about the racists. They think white people are superior to the blakck-skinned. I was surprised that people in the 21st century are still racists. Why, this is the 21st century for goodness sake.

Some black skinned people are just like us. Just note Conzales Laiza( a minister of Defence in U.S. A.) How respectful she is! Indeed no difference between the colors of skin. If you were a black skinned people being treated badly, how would you feel?

Well, maybe in your pre-life you had been a black-skinned person. And pre life of the blackskinned person also might be a white-skinned saying nasty things about black-skinned. How do we know?

So from now on, I'd love to see black and white cooperating with each other.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 68

Children's Day

My sister and I woke up with a wide grin. It was Children's Day. No School!
Our Grand told us we could play for 1 hour in the morning, singing ,dancing, playing computer games, anything we like. We sang a song. It goes,"Ha, ho,ha, ho, what a day! Don't need to make our beds, don't need to put on silly dresses which is very lady like, no pencils, no notebooks, hurray, hurray! Away off those horrid books, so listen what we say. Ho, ho , it's Children's Day."

After we sang, we put on our clothes that we wanted to put on. Grandma made us our special breakfast, mushroom soup with black berry bread.

My tutor bought us seventeen adorable guppies and two miniature tortoise. Imagine that I squealed with happoiness. And that's not all. Grandmother came with a bundle of carnations to give us. After all the fun things Grandma brought us to Pizza hut for dinner. A happy day.

Kyu Won's Journal 67

Do Malayan Pets fast?

Some in my class are Malayans. They are fasting nowadays. Some of them have pets. And when their pets come, they will become Malayan cats, dogs or birds(and hamsters). Well, if my friends fast, what about their pets? Do they fast, too?

Some say no, some say yes. I say yes. If I were a Malayan, and my family and I were praying, I would make my pet sit straight-non- making sound and closed its eyes.

Then, if I were a Malayan, I would change my name Nura or Nabila , something like that.

Kyu Won's Journal 66

Invited to the Birthday Party.

I began to get ready for S's birthday. I bought gifts and wrapped them in a beautiful wrapping paper. I bought a beautiful memorandum plus a soft room marker. My sister wanted that room marker but I refused to give it to her. Actually I also wanted to keep the sweet room marker.

However my granny said," The thing that you like is just a thing for a gift." That's how come I decided to give S the sweet room marker. My sister willingly agreed and helped me wrap my presents for S. I hope S will get pleased .

Kyu Won's Journal 65

Show and Tell

Today was a boring day. I got a stomach ache and worst of all, I was supposed to have my show and tell. I wished my bus would have a driving accident like one of wheel getting stuck or getting caught in a drain. But of course the bus was coming fine and merrily as usual.

I felt horrible when teacher called my name to do my show and tell. I started in a loud and clear voice. I began to enjoy myself and did my show and tell happily and contentedly. Bet I get good marks.

Kyu Won's Journal 64

Sad Departure

Ma left today. It was a tearful good bye. Before Ma left, I smiled and promised I would be good. But when the taxi drove away, tears like rooster's dung began to fall. My granny comforted me by telling me that she will come back at Christmas.
I couldn't sleep. So I woke up and wrote my journal. My grandma told me stories and that put me to sleep. I dreamed of Ms's coming back.

Ma, I miss you!

Kyu Won's Journal 63

In Genting

We' are at last at Genting , Malay. Our hotel had a lot of things to do! I rode bang bang car 8 times. Ma ma says I am good at driving. I did so well in driving bong bong, some of the people clapped at me. I also went to the haunted house, and came out crying. It was so scary.

I also tried on a roller coaster. Phew! What a thrill!
After all that adventure I was tired and fell asleep.

Kyu Won's Journal 62

In Kualalumpur

We went to the swimming pool in the hotel this morning. The pool was full of freezing ice water. Burr...... It was so cold that it was hard to breathe.

After swimming we went to the palace . We couldn't enter the palace so we just took some pictures with a man who guarded the palace. The guardian seemed to hate people taking picture of him.

We were hot, hot, hot with a capital letter 'H'. So we went into a airconditioned museum. Than I sat on the stairs to take a short rest before seeing the exhibition. I admired Muslim's exquisite art .

Kyu Won's Journal 61

Ma's Coming!

From all the day to today, I've missed Ma. Today my ma is coming. I waited impatiently walking around as I couldn't sit still like a monkey. I went out to the lobby to meet her. Some cars swashed by. I looked every faces in the car in just two second for Ma. Then one yellow taxi stopped suddenly before me. A lady with a brown necklace and a brown shirt got down. I saw it. "It", the "it" was right beside me and it was my Ma!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 60

In Church

I went to church. The pastor poured water into three cups and explained something. It was very boring. Not only his preaching was boring but also the pastor himself looks bored, too. I think the pastor will give up the job and say," This job is boring. I'd like to be a police. It would be exciting."

I was so soaked in my imagination that I forgot to pray and just sat down helplessly. I said to myself, " If I were a pastor, I would tell jokes and funny tales about Jesus." But that's all a dream.

Kyu Won's Journal 59

Repelling The Stress

How do you repell your stress ? You don't know? You just keep it in your head cage until it bursts? If you have no ideas, I'll give you one.

If you are cold or not, just take a hot bath humming your favourite song. After that, take out your white sketchbook and some color pencils and draw whatever you like. Then, close your eyes and go around the house and open them. You feel your stress has gotten away! How do you feel?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 58

Reflection Of The Experience of Recording

This morning felt like an ordinary dull day. But it was not as I had to go to school even though it was Saturday. As I was very excited, I could barely eat my breakfast. My heart was full of excitement, wonde and scare. I was scared I would miss the bus or go to the wrong place. But when I saw my friends I forgot all my worries.

It was a little strange to take a journey with still unfamiliar faces. But I think I enjoyed it.

The studio looked like an ordinary house but a little bigger( A house with no bed~). Then we squeezed into a little hot room. We sang to record our songs.
But I was not satisfied with my voice. Soon I got my voice and sang as beautiful as I can. We were not as good as larks but still good. Recording our songs in the studio was a special experience.

Kyu Won's Journal 57

An Idea To Share

Hello! Of course I'm Kyu Won. I want to share something smart with you. Two months ago my grandmother has bought me a smartly designed notebook. I have written my private feelings in it. I only let my grand read it. I didn't let even my sis see it. When I sprained my ankle, I wrote down my wretched feelings and it calmed me down.

When I grow up I will give it to my children, who will pass it to their children. They will do the same as I have done. Wow, a life can be change dinteresting just by a smartly designed notebook.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 56


I've got a pet. I named it Tini.
T for Trantada- here I come!
I for In Super Fame!
N for Never get sick!
I again for I love you!

It is a puddle and has brown fur. It wags tail so softly. It is only 7 week old, and one span long. It cannot bark but wail. He has to learn al lot in my house. Today he saw my pencil on the floor, and jumped back. That is one of his learnings, I think.

I drew a picture of him, and stuck it on the front door. That way, Tini will be famous!

Kyu Won's Journal 55

I Granted Mother's Wish

Time to study as usual, but more. I need to study English grammar with Grandma. And picky math, bumpy science will drive me mad. And close! O, forget about it! P4 Close, P4 Korean Math, P4 Korean Social studies are driving me mad. But I'd keep going so that Ma will be pleased when she comes to see us.

Mother once said," A girl of mine will finish a math exercise book in a week!" I granted her wish, and fell into bed with exhaustion!

Kyu Won's Journal 54

Bicycle Riding

Today I went ona ride on my tutor's bicycle. I couldn't stop saying,"Faster, faster." I guess that was the only thing I said during two hours' riding. While riding, the beautiful falling leaves were more than a hindrance.

Maybe I would like to ride like a hurricane. But if I rode too fast , I might ruin the bicycle, so I'd better be a fast wind. Some leaves followed me and disturbed me, I hated it. The soft wind made my imagination fly away, and I was peaceful at last. So smoothing. Smiling, I said,"Wee~!"

Kyu Won's Journal 53

A New Baby

A cute and joyful news is floated by our neighbours. One of our neighbour said her daughter- in- law got a new baby girl! We rushed to see that new princess. I washed my hands with soap that has elegant smell of the rose before touching the baby.

The little baby looked like the sun as the family could not live without her. She smiled but soon dozed up to un-snoring-sleep. I touched the baby's feet. They wriggled, so lovely. From head to bottom the baby is so cute that I felt like shaking or tapping the baby.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal (The School Full Of Love) 53

Anny's First Day To School-4

Anny looked around and touched the thing that looked very unfamiliar. The desk was plane but the bottom of the desk was metalic grid. Anny thought," Why is there metalic grid here? " She soon discovered it was for books to put.

She listened carefully through the whole lessons and finally when school ended, Anny bolted up and lined outside. She couldn't just wait to see her ma outside!

Anny followed her grumpy looking teacher whose back was bent. She walked downstairs, carefully not to tip over as she had done on the way up. She was wondeing who of these many pupils would be her trusted friend. She once again turned around just enough time to look at all the other pupils. She admired the paintings on the wall along the corridors and the stairs.

When she was almost at the main gate, she saw her ma waiting and waving at her. Anny ran......
(to be continued)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 52

Anny's First Day To School

Anny found herself in the front of the class. "Er...", she didn't know where to sit down. But when her teacher came in, she couldn't hesitate anymore. She quickly went to a vacant desk next to a girl staring at her. She followed kids as they stood up , greeted the teacher and sat down. They sounded like robots! Anny almost giggles loud, but put her hand over her mouth.

She wrote down some notes and obserbed her class and classmates. She stroke her desk, and thought, "Ha, ha, how could this desk be so small? The desks in my homeland classes are made of clean wood. This grey color of the desk is spooky." Then she spotted a thing very different from her homeland school.
( to be continued)

Friday, August 15, 2008

The School Full Of Love-2

Anny's First Day To School -2
Annie's mouth hit the ground. Her form teacher wa s a tall grandpa looking almost 2m high. He wore dark black jeans and had sharp eyebrows. But his eyes told that he was friendly.
Anny studied him for a while. He looked almost about 70. Anny had never met a 70 year old grandpa and she wonderd what he will be like. Strong enough? Too strict? Scary? Miserable? Stupid? Anny found no answer for that.

But another trouble was waiting just for her.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The School Full Of Love -1

Anny's First Day To School

Some meters away from my house is a little school called Honcord Primary. There are lots of kids going to that school. One of my best~est friend Anny attends there. Well, I am gonna tell you all about it.

When Anny first went to Honcord primary school, she said her byebyes to her Grandma and aboard a bus with Ma. She was very nervous not to find her classroom. But she could find her class by looking the numbers on the chair for the new comers for at least five minutes.She took the seat with relief. In front of her sat a Philipine girl called Mary.

The first day was dark and gloomy. The hall was a perfect place for watching horror movies.Anny took a moment to study the hall. The hall was big and had a large stage. Anny looked at the teachers walking around. She decided her form teacher would be a young pretty woman with brown hair. But when she saw her form teacher, her mouth touched the ground.

Kyu Won's Journal 51

Grapes into Pearls

They determined to survive and they ater the things the fox had eaten. And soon they began to feel something......

A few months later, Sarah's father and Jimmy's father went hunting. They caught one wolf, one fox and two rabbits. The fox was the one which ate the grapes. Whent the fathers cut the fox into half , they were surprised to find two beautiful pearls.

Sarah's father said, "This pearl looks like a ripe grape." Jimmy's father said, " This pearl looks like an unripe pearl." They gave the pearls to their child respectively. And the children recognized that the pearls were from their grapes.

Kyu Won's Journal 50

Kyu Won's Journal 50

Monday, August 11, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 49

Grapes Into Pearls

The fox asked the grapes,"May I take a part?" The grapes eagerly agreed and let the fox dance with them. So the grape folk dance continued. They skipped and hopped and rolled. The fox himself enjoyed dancing that made him even more hungry.

When the two grapes rolled, the fox turned quickly and ate them up! The two grapes were shocked and scared. The fox's belly was hot and dark. There wasn't enough air to breathe. But whenever the fox breathed in they jumped high to get some air.They thought ," We can't die like this in the vile fox's belly. We should survive and be something valueable." (to be continued)

Kyu Won's Journal 48

Grapes Into Pearls

In a village beside the forest, lived a boy called Jimmy and a girl named Sarah. They were good friends. One day they found a packet of grape seeds. They equally divided them into two and brought them to their homes. Sarah and Jimmy planted the seeds and soon the roots grew and grapes began to appear. In Jimmy's, one of the unripe purple grapes fell to the ground. "Ow! I didn't thought I would fall down," the unripe grape said and rolled away to the hill. In Sara's, a ripe grape fell. "Ouch! That hurts!" The grape said and rolled away to the hill.

The two grapes met each other on the top of the hill. They were happy and danced a grapy dance. They rolled and hopped . They didn't notice a sly fox watching them. The fox said to itself,"Hmm... a ripe grape and an unripe grape. They will make perfect dinner." The fox was a vegetarian and grapes were his favourite. The fox pretended to be a nice fox and ......( be continued)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 47

A Magical Dream

I had a dream, a special magical dream I ever had. I saw a mermaid on a rock with a silver mobile phone and saying like ordinary people. She had a handbag and glasses. I followed her into the sea. Her house looked like mine. I had to admit she was very ordinary.

She had short black hair and a spot under her eye. Her skin was brownish and her nose was not perfect. She also had a watch on her left hand, and her tail was white. She even had glasses. I had to admit she was ugly. I tapped her. She turned and screamed and I woke up. Hew! It was all just a dream.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 47

I Hate Water

I got a dreadful and painful story to tell. I sprained one of my little footger(toe). This morning I was alright. But after six o'clock, at swimming lesson, I bumped with a hard board. I cried "AAAAA!"
I HATE WATER! Water is now my No. 1 enemy. I hate it. I would not go swimming for one whole month for punishment of water.

I cried because it was so painful. Grand says my tears are dropping like dungs of a rooster, ew~. I had a dreadful afternoon . Still my sister made me laugh and that's fine with me.

Once I said I wanted to have a sprained foot because once my Sis got a sprained ankle and was taken care of so dearly by Grand, and ta-da! wish granted! So now I know that next time I should not wish that. I learnt a good and painful lesson.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 46

My Flower

My flower never dies unless I wish. It will glow rosy red when I help it.
It will grow strongly if I do my things. It will bloom forever when I am good.

Do you have Your own flower? My flower loves to read books. So its room is full of books.

These flowers are called dream flowers. These flowers can grow anytime. They are hope flowers. When you first think, you want to do something like sowing a seed. Later you put some effort and then you overjoy the young plant. When you pray for it and you get it, your flower is blooming!

I hope to write books some day and become an author. I have read a lot of story books from MR. Brown, J.K. Rolling and Shakespeare. Their ideas are excellent.

If a good hope, your flower will shine. If it is bad and evil, your flower will be black and withered. But still they are just flowers, aren't they?

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 45

An interview with KyuWon

Good evening, my dear friends. My name is In. Today we're gonna interview Kyu Won who is mistress of this Journal. Let's chop-chop.

In: So what is your hobby, sir?
Kyu Won: Before I talk about it, first I am not 'sir'. Call me Miss.
In: Sorry. Answer the question, Miss.
K. Y.: My pleasure. My hobby is running around like a fox whose tail is on fire.
In:What's your favourite colour, toy and sport?
K. Y.:I like green, especially fresh light green like that of a budding leaves. I like bunnies. Furry bunnies. I really love to have real one so that I can hop with it with a skipping hop. And I love to play running ,not with boys, of course.
In: Oh, I see. Can you tell a story?
K.Y.: Of course, I love story telling. I will tell you one. Once ypon a time, in a village called Po-dol-ga um... somewhere in the upper volga lived a man who played the violin very well. Every night when work was ended he would pick up his fiddle and went up to the roof and played tunes so splendidly. Soon the merry dancing would begin when the villagers heard his fiddle playing. Everyone would soon be swaying toes and tap. Their feet would start to fly! And..."
In: Ha , ha! That's good, Miss. You are writing out of the page.
K.Y.: Sorry, Oh, look at the time. I'm going! (Kyu Won left)
In: And that was Kyu Won. (Bow and left.)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 44

My Little Lucky Shell

My little lucky shell, that came from under sea
I picked it up as I walked in the sandy sea
Lumpy on the back that makes me smile
Smooth in the shell that makes me happy.

I whispered a spell on the little shell
Out came a little lucky shell
I put it in a tiny jam bottle
Carry it wherever I go.

I took the magic shell to school today, and things really went right! At choir, the teacher sat beside me, and praised me. I made a new friend and that is really lucky. I borrowed a comic from a friend that I really wanted to read. I got all right in my math test, and my Grandma cooked me my favourite food! Oh, my lovely lucky shell!

Kyu Won's Journal 43

Making Granny Happy

It was a cosy afternoon. However I found something wrong. I was reading and that's alright. Sister was making her design and that's necessary to her. My grand mother! Grand was complaining and grumbling. I asked, " So what's that grumble?" Grand said, "You get money when you read books. Enjoying interesting books and making money! Who would pay for my reading? I've ever never been paid for reading. How unfair! It is allmy luck! Unhappy, miserable luck!" She sighed as if she had just lost something valuable.

When Grand went to do the laundry with a rainy look, Sister and I exchanged looks. I suggested , "Maybe we can put money in an ..." Sister finished my sentence "Envelope." I smiled my dippy smile and chuckled,"Yeap! money." I struggled my sister on the amount of money for a while, and made an agreement. So we put $24.90 in an envelope and gave it to Grand, who smiled her great, big, enormous smile!
Sister and I were also happy to be Grand's patron for the first time.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 42

An Unflying Bird

Today I made up a lyric and gave a melody . I hummed it all day. Would you like to hear?

Something has made me an unflying bird.
That is what I feel when the wind blows.
All the birds has gone to the spring land,
Oh, leaving me in the land of lonliness.
Ah, ah, unable to fly to the spring land,
Snow and ice are coming down,
Thinking like I'm in a nightmare,
Something, something has made me
Um~~~~ um~~~~an unflying bird!

Kyu Won's Journal 41

A Very, Very Slow Breakfast

Today I had a very slow breakfast, tortoise breakfast. Grandma gave me a pear, some bread and jam and a cup of milo drink. I slowly picked up my pear and nibbled. I am a slow fruit eater, you know. I picked up my milo and sipped it leisurely . I am a very slow sippeer. Then I ate my bread bit by bit. I enjoyed slow eating.

After nibbling, sipping, and biting for quite many minutes, I still didn't finish my breakfast. Grandma shouted,"Be quick! You, tortoise!" But I still think I am faster than a tortoise. Why?

Tortoise who lives in a green swamp crawls for 12 hours to get to its home, and begins to make its breakfast at 9:00 , and eats breakfast at 3:00 and finishes eating in the evening. It probably takes him a whole day to have a meal! Ha! I am faster than a tortoise, am I not?

Monday, June 23, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 40

School, I Have Missed You

The clock tells me the time, tick ,tock, tick. tock. My heart tells me the time, thumb, bumb, thumb, bumb. My escitement tells me th time, tick, tock, thumb, bumb.

I'm going to school! My excitement burst out to the open wide world. As I went into the school bus, when I arrived at school, and when I went into class, I was strained. I told mywelf,"Big fat terribly stupid Kyuwon, you are so stupid. You don't know the word, 'dare' ".

I breathed deeply and said hello to all my friends( not all). It seemed like I saw them very yesterday. Before studying, I said, "Big fat terribly stupid Kyuwon, you are so stupid. You don't know the word,'impossible' ".

Friday, June 20, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 39

I Miss Pa
It has been more than seven months since I saw Pa last. Because of my paternal grandpa's long sickness and death, my pa was too busy. Pa has to work and help our Grandmother who is also sick. My father is a running machine.

I really want to see my pa, and my grandmother. My pa is forty with short black curly hair that looks like waves in the sea. He always carries a brown bag full of interesting things, like artcrafts, camera, model mouse and so on. He is a computer teacher. He teaches computer programming and making website. My sister and I liked to see his website and his works on the computer . He is a fast driver, but not like a race car driver.

I love Pa more than 10,000 candies, 20,000 emeralds, 30,000 diamonds, and $500,000,000! Oh, I miss him so much!

Kyu Won's Journal 38

I am a part of nature

Jumping rope under a tree, I see it now that I am a part of nature. Singing with the crackling bugs and chirping bird, I see it now that I am a part of nature. Reading under a tree I also feel the same.

In the open air I feel fresh, fresh like a morning dew on a leaf. Come out of the house and just have a good laugh. And you will see you yourself are nature. We all are nature.

Kyu Won's Journal 38

Friday, June 13, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 37

I'm So Old

Today I was very sad I'm so old. The playground which looked familiar looks like a strange place now. When I go there, I feel embarrassed. And it terribly means to me that I am growing up. Sometimes I do not want to be old. I want to stay a little child like Peter Pan.

I know I 've got grown taller and bigger when I find my shorts and shirts don't fit me anymore. And I've changed from I who used to be last year. My books become thicker and has more complicated stories to read. It all tells me terribly perfectly that I am growing! Just like a plant!

Kyu Won's Journal 36

A Busy Day

Everybody has busy mornings. However I had a very busy morning, afternoon and night. Why? You may wonder. I had to wake up early in the morning to learn stupid Chinese. And after that, when I went to the kitchen to have a glass of water, I split it. I muttered, " Typical." And I vowed to stay calm all day. However, even I vowed, I couldn't help my heart going tippy-tip-hoppy-hop. It was like my heart was doing jumping rope.

I cleaned my bed room, learning new words by heart at the same time. I went to the toilet with a book in my hand. I learned my spellings ,arranging the books on my desk. I was like a working machine which had no time to play.
(But my sister calls me a copy machine because I always copy her everything. )

The only time when I felt calm is when I went to the library. I fished the books my teacher recommended, but when I reeled the string, I found no fish. At night I had to study math. Oh, what a busy day!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 35

Life is full of......

What do you think life is full of? If you ask me, I will say "Life is full of patience." My granny told me that one sentence means lots of things.

However, I love the sentence, " Life is full of wonder." Why? Well , it makes my heart leap. It is a good sentence for a poem like this.

Life is full of patience.
Life is full of pains , they say
Life is full of happiness
Life is full of wonder to me.

I made it up in a short time, so it does not make sense. Anyway life is full of anything, anything you feel.

Kyu Won's Journal 34


I'm here in Bintan. I came here by taxi, ferry and bus. I had see-sick and taxi-sick. When we reached the hotel, hotel staffs welcomed us by dancing and playing drums. I felt very important. The dancers smiled a big , big smile. Their mouth ends were touching their ears. They looked so happy.

They offered us a drink, but it was yucky to me. It was far from sweet, but I tried to make a smile.

The beach in Bintan was so beautiful and clean. The waves were so charming. They all seemed to welcome me," Come on in, Kyu Won!"

At night I saw the twinkling stars right upon my head. It seemed all stars gather in the sky of Bintan.

I'm too sleepy to write on now. Good night.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 33

Going to Bintan Island

Hey, do you know that I am going to the legendary, mysterious island Bintan ? I have wanted to go there for long. Granny says that the water in that island is clear just like crystal .

Granny and I went shopping for the trip. I was so excited that I pattered following Granny through the aisle of the mart. We filled our basket and the only thing left was to pay. But there waited a disaster. Oh, no. Not enough money in the purse.We had to give up a few items. "Sorry," my granny said loudly and the two men behind us heard her and laughed . Granny's face got red, and I was more embarrassed than a naked girl.

Ah~ I wish such a thing would not happen for me later again!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 32

A Book with no letters

I went home in Korea. I was very happy. As soon as I got home, I ran to my room filled with my books. How much I had longed to be home and be with my books!

I picked up my favourite book, The Legendary Tale in Philippine, as I had already forgot the tales in it. I was so happy that the cover of the book felt like a light feather. However when I opened it, to my dismay , it had no letters, no pictures on every page. I was so disappointed that I cried out. At that time, I heard Granny's voice,"Kyu Won, wake up. Wake up. The sun is looking down at you!" I realized it was only a dream.

Oh, My books in my room and my pet dog Lammy!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Going To East Coast

This afternoon my family went on a picnic to East Coast. It was the first time for me to be there. It was a beautiful place with many trees and sea sight.

My sister and I went to the shop to rent roller skates. My sister's feet are so big that the owner said, "Big, big feet." I laughed and Sister's punch flew onto my head. Narrowly I avoided the punch.What a windfall! We skated up and down, down and up till being tired.

Next I went to the seashore. The waves tried to catch me and I ran away. I collected some seeweeds on the sand and studied it. It has buoy balls . It was precious to me and I wanted to keep it, but Granny said no.

AT last my tummy rumbled. We went to a restaurant and ate Turkish dishes. They were excellent food. After supper we rode Viking. It was scary but exciting. I really had much fun .

Kyu Won's Journal 31

Playing in the rain

Did you ever play in the rain? Did you ever slide on a rainy day? Well, all these things are what I've done this afternoon. After lunch I complained,"It is a boring afternoon ." Granny suggested," How about playing in the rain?" I thought I was born free and I agreed to go out into the rain. It rained and rained. Nothing more. The sidewalk was resting because no one was walking on it. All the trees seemed overjoyed with the shower.
I walked and jumped in the downpouring rain. I even sat in the puddle. Soon I got drenched. I went to the playground to slide. The wet slide was very slippery. I enjoyed sliding back,when trying to step onto it. Playing in the rain makes me almost fly. Ssuch a nice feeling!
However , working was waiting for me again. Woo~.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 30

I bathe mor than 10 times.

Today I bathed 11 times. How is it possible? Well,if you are shy as a cat, or timid as a mouse, you bathe more than 1o times a day.

In the morning I was worrying about finding my choir room. And the worrying bathed me from my thinking head to my wiggly toes. Next the relief of finding the room gave me a second bath. Third, a shower of song. Fourth , a real shower of water , and a shower of laughter at lunch table.

More showers of hunger, fullness, love,happiness, sleepiness and peace. Wow~, I really showered a lot, didn't I?

Kyu Won's Journal 29


This is the day of my choir. My choir teacher always says, "Singing is for life." I don't understand the meaning exactly.

In the morning I regretted participating the choir, thinking I would get into a very, very big trouble. I just wanted to enjoy my vacation reading books or playing games on internet. I stamped my feet and pulled out the tissue paper from the tissue box and I put the paper back into the box in vain. However I was forced to go.

When I finished singing and coming back home , I found myself as happy as a lark. I was too happy and I felt like soaring up.

I mumbled," Stupid me, stupid me." And now I am looking forward to tomorrow for singing again in choir. Now I understand that singing is really for life.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 28

The Day After Tomorrow

The film "The Dday After Tomorrow" sounds very attractive.I watched it.
Storms, floods, hurricanes and most of all tonadoes were panic. The melted arctic caused climate disaster and all United States of America is flooded and frozen. Most of the people were frozen to death, and our clever hero and some of his friends survived. They burnt every books from the library and chairs. They ate snacks from the vending machines to survive.

After watching this movie, I thought the earth really needs help. And I also thought if it happens, I will bring all my things that can be burnt wherever I go. But will it really happen?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 27

What is the country GRandpa lives like?

The country my granpa lives is the place none can go. If anyone is over 70, 80 or 90 years old, they can probably go there. I have never seen anyone who has been there.

Do you think there is a school in that country?
Do you think they study like on earth? Can they have pain? No one can answer.

The country my grandpa lives is so vast that all the people around the world can look it up. If we go there, it would be completely different, I think.

The country is heaven. I always guess what heaven is like. And I pray Grandpa lives happy life there. Grandpa can look down at us, and be our guardian angel, but I can't , I can't see him. I can't, I can't......

Kyu Won's Journal 26

My Granny's Birthday

Today is Granny's birthday. Sister and I went to poplar to get paper for cards. "Oh, brother, this paper has not the pattern I like . I want a stripe pattern," I thought. My sister was jumping around like a mouse on fire to find her paper. "Micky mucky muck! A-reeta! I found it. Bright pink of memory," she said holding out a picky-peachy-pink paper. She stared at the card paper as if she had just dug out gold mine. Then shook her card paper right under my face,laughing "He, he, he! You will never, ever, ne~ver find a card exquisite enough like this! " I picked white yellow one with stripes. I like the colour just like a butterfly.

Then we ran to the bakery to buy a perfect cake for Granny. Both Granny and we like cheese cake. So we got the cake and sprang home. Granny was so pleased and huggeed us. A~ so good.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 25

My friend M

One of my friends I like best is M. When she met first, we quarreled very often, just like a mouse and a cat, or fire and water. But now we are like a cat and a cat, a mouse and a mouse, or fire and fire! I don't know how come to this. Does
quarreling lead to friendship sometimes? I wish we have

Kyu Won's Journal 24

Swarnika Went Away

My friend Swarnika went to her home in India. This was the last word I heard from Swanika, "Bye-bye, Kyu Won." I responded very normally. Too normally, so it pierced my heart!

Sarnika looked very excited. I thought, " I'd better not look sad." However I was so busy , I was getting out of trouble myself and I didn't have time looking sad.

When I had free time, Swarnika's cute brown eyes would not go away from my mind. I think she is not truely gone because I can still feel her presence from somewhere , somewhere near . Well, I wish you all the best, Swarnika!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 23

A deadly earthquake

China had an earthquake, a deadly, deadly, deadly earthquake.
Many people were killed and injured. Many people whose family members are buried under the collapse are crying now.

My granny said, "Some earthquakes are very strong. The one that struck China this time is very strong."
I responded,"That's a devil earthquake."

When I think about a dealy earthquake which occurs here and there on earth, I come to shiver, shake, quiver quack.

I wish they would be relieved very soon.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 22

Granny Day 2

My sister and I gave Granny our homemade card. I also gave her a red carnation I made myself. I put a little ribbon around it. She was full of happiness. She said, "How have you thought of this? Thank you very much."

We sang songs for her. My sister has a beautiful voice like a little lark(that just caught a fly or whatever).

And then we joyfully ate our breakfast with lots and lots of laughter, The sun rose and began to do its work glowing . I also had somework to be done on Mother's Day.

I sometimes fly into a rage when my sister tease me, but not on Mother's Day ( well, I tried to, though). Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 21

Granny's Day

There was a spring in my steps as I walked across the class room. Why?

well, I've just made a sketch of Mother's Day card for my granny. Whe is not my mother but the second apple of my eyes.
When I was thinking how to design my cards, Kasy( my imaginary friend, as I said before) was flying around the room making all kinds of dust(that I call fairy dust), so I shoo her away.

I was planning a surprise for my grany,so told my plan to my sister.
When she heard of this, her eyes sparkled like tiny stars in the wide sky with exceitment.
Her mouth was wide open to speak but I didn't let her. She might scream!

Well, tomorrow I think I'll write more . Now I'm really tired. A~~, good night.

Kyu Won's Journal 20


With a cliffy nose on her face,
the black field of hair get its colour white and black,
foxy eyes left and right,
red lips up and down always speak to me and you.
Nothing but a human being , nothing special.
That is my dearest Ma.

With Ma my family went to the park by my condo to eat satay.
Satay is my favourite food. All my family like it. I ate so much that my stomach was as round as a basket ball!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 19

The Third day with Ma. This afternoon I went to a museum and a gallery with my family. In the gallery I saw many beautiful pictures, but some were ugly. We went to peranakan museum, where I saw many luxurious traditional artcrafts. Whenever I think somebody had trouble to do all the works, I sighed.

Next we went to the department store. I was very hungry but Ma didn't pay any attention to me. She gave all her attention to the clothes. But when she bought me a brand new skirt and a T-shirt, I forgot the pangs of my hunger.

After coming home, Ma and I went swimming. She taught me how to swim frog star. How cool my mother is! We had a good time.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 18

My Ma

I can't believe she is here. I really can't. I don't know why. Maybe too happy to believe it?

However, if you let me say, study time is here . Study time? I know you will ask what study time is.

Am......Mama bought me a watch, and she didn't forget to say," This is for you to look at the time and stop playing !" Wo~~~~w! How frightening!

My mother is very modern with short curly hair covering her shoulders and small sharp eyes and cliffy nose. She has reddish lips that always say,"Do your work!" Wo~~~w! How frightening!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 17

Mom's Coming!

My mother is comimg tomorrow. I can not wait ! Mother is coming.
She said on the phone," I'm arriving around at 12 o'clock. Maybe you can sleep and see me next morning. It would be a lovely surprise."

But I have another surprises for Ma. Our house has changed ever since Ma left. I have new fish, new flowers and a brand new wardrobe. I also got new shoes. I will wear my new blue dress and new...... new....... I 'm gonna hug her with a new heart!

But more than anything else I will surprise her with my progressed study. I can do English composition better than I did in Korea. My Grandma praised,"Progressed ,um...... you have progressed." Ma. Pa, Sis and Grandma will be happy with my work!

I'm going to buy a surprising present for Ma.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 16


My granny likes to pray. Humm...... Why? Should she pray ? Nothing helps. I think.

She says," God made us with soil. He made all the living things, and non living things. He made the flowers and butterflies you like, and the wood we need. We have to thank him."

And she prayed again! She goes to church on Sundays but I don't like going to churches. It is so boring, isn't it? Well, she prayed again.

I think when everybody on earth ( even the ugly or pretty creatures on moon) prays, God will be so pleased you think he or she(I'm not sure) make our lands bright?

Maybe he or she will rather make our hearts bright!

Kyu Won's Journal 15

Sing Along

I have five guppies. They are very small, no bigger than a thumb. But they are very very fast. I think they will get gold medals when they participate the Olympic games.
Whenever I watch them swimming, they make me humming. I can't help humming. So I have wanted to give them names, sing , sang, sung, song and sing along. But it's impossible to identify which is which, so I gave them a common name, sing along.

I made a song for my little friends.

Little guppies, here and there!
Swimming guppies , up and down!
One is red, one is blue,
One is yellow and again one is red!

Little guppies, here and there!
Singing guppies, up and down!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 14

Trees' Secret

When trees grow, everybody says,
They need only water, sunlight and soil.
But I know that's just not true.

Trees need the sweet songs of the birds,
trees need the poems that the wind tells,
trees need the rainbow that gives joy,
and fre4sh pearl dew the clouds give.

I hear trees whisper,
"Day and night the wind blows my leaves rustle
to sing sad songs with it.
But the sweet flowers bloom day and night
singing happy songs for bees and butterflies to dance.

The angels come down from the rainbows
and sit on my branches.
I need, I need feeling, joy and sadness.
Those ar the things I need to grow ever green.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 13

가 and 袈
'가' is a Korean letter. Yes, you get it! It is so simple. It is pronounced
'ga'. 'ㄱ' has the sound like 'k', and 'ㅏ' has the sound 'a'. And it combines and makes 'ga' . So easy. If you only know 24 alphabets, you will soon read and write Korean . And it only costs only a week, maybe.
How marvelous!

However, how about Chinese? The letters are so difficult, and no relation between the sound and spellings. To learn Chinese makes me mad. I have studied Chinese for months but it is in vain. I almost forgot all the spellings I struggled to memorize. How dreadful Chinese is !
Oh, Chinese, Chinese, how can I learn it?

Monday, April 21, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 12

Why are we born?

Why are we born? Can you imagine a planet with no human beings? That will be qwful! I asked my sister, "Sis, why are we born?" But my sister's answer did not give much help.

She said "We are born because we have to. You see you didn't decide to be born as my terribly active sister, but you were born to help your lofty sister. Now, won't you get me a drink?" I grumbled to myself.

But there is one point. We are born because we have to. But for what? For whom? For ourselves? For God?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 11

For some reasons

For some reasons there is something that has to be done. Chores? No-upe! Eating? Hey, do you think I am a big lazy pig lying in the sunshine a~ll day? Forget about it! ( I'm angry)

O. K. I will tell you my sister is 11 years old, with curly black hair that covers her shoulder. When we were swimming gracefully in the swimming pool, a Singaporean woman came to us and ask us,"Can you teach my daughters ? They want to learn Korean, and I heard you speaking in Korean." My sister and I were excited and said,"I'd like to but I"m going to ask my grandma first." I thought at that moment, if yes, it would be very good, and I would be light like a fairy.
and if no, my heart would be filled with dark cloud of sadness.

But not really yes. We were disappointed and protested why not. Grandma said everyone who can speaks Korean can't be a Korean teacher. Eventually Grandma decided to teach the girls instead of us.
Grandma allowed us to be her assistents from time to time. Any way I am glad we have new Singaporean friends.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 10


Forgotten for happiness,
forgotten for good.
No one knows you
walking in the blackwood.

Stars are shining that,
they know who you are.
The Sun is shining that,
it knows who you are.

Forgotten happiness,
forgotten for good.
No one knows you
walking in the black wood.
And the icy cold wind tells
you are forgotten forever.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 9

A Snowy day ( for show and tell)

Good morning teachers and my fellow students. Today I'm going to show and tell about a snowy day in Korea. I chose this topic because I have missed the cold season so much in this hot weather in Singapore. I think it's a blessing that we can live in four different seasons.

I have a lot of memories to make me happy whenever I recall the snowy days. One day last year we had a heavy snow. When I woke up I found a white world out of the window. How fantastic! A fairy land! I was so excited and awoke up my sister in a hurry. We ran out to make snowmen. My parents came out to join us. You know even grownups get excited on a snowy day? We made snowmen , big and small. Have you ever made a snowman as tall as you? I did. Frankly speaking, not by myself, but with my family all together. We tried tp build an igloo but we failed. The arched roof kept falling apart. It needed some special skill.

My favourite winter sport is snow sliding. Near my grandmother's house there is a steep hill.
The hill changes into slideing place every winter. Once I begin sliding, the speed gets faster and faster. So fast that I used to be afraid it would never stop. That thrill was so attractive to me .

How much I miss Korean winter and snow! Later when I go back to my homeland, I will roll myself in the snow, and do everything again and again.

Thank you for listening and being attentive.

Kyu Won's Journal 7

I woke up very early and took a walk in the park with my granny. This is a poem I wrote after coming back home.

A morning walk

You may see lots of things in the morning walk
you can't see at the daytime.

You may see two birds coming down
from the bough to catch worms.
One catched one but one didn't.

You may see flowers waking up in the morning sun.
Like diamonds their petals are shining.

You may see the morning dew sparkling
Fairies surely see it.
You may see two old ladies walking
and a little girl singing behind.

Kyu Won's Journal 6

Since the first day of school I have learnt a lot of things because I have wondered a lot. That just gives you the words that the world is full of wonder.

We wonder and we try to answer it. How? By accepting what you learn at school. I wondered what Singapore was like. I wondered what Singaporean looked like. That was how my wonder began when I came to Singapore.

Today I got all the answers. I am playing with friends from many races now. I had to learn all the knowledge from around me.

Today at school I came to know all the people have wonder and curiosity . R was curious about Korea. L was curious about my language.

We want to get those answers. Sometimes it takes many months and even many years. But we will all get our answers someday.

How happy I am to get my answers!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 5

New Term

A new day! A new beginning! A new life! A new dream!
It is the second term. The principal says it is an exam term. AN EXAM!

Exam term is a crocodile term. It is a crocodile term because we have to get as many scores as a crocodile teeth ! Anyway a crocodile term is a crocodile term, so I have to be a crocodile bird.

Why? Because a crocodile bird cleans all the teeth 100% shiny. So I have to do 100% best like a crocodile bird. So this term I am willing to Ms crocodile bird!

Kyu Won's Journal 4

Kyu Won's Journal 4

Many people came to my house to pray. I didn't know why they came but anyway some children came along with their mother. All of us are Korean. We children gathered in my small room, and gave a short pray to God.
The adults sang psalms and prayed quite a long time. I peeked out and shut the door in a hurry. The adults looked like robbots. They all moved in a same way. The pray repeats "God, god, when we die......please bla bla bla..."
After all had gone, I opened the pray book, but I threw it away because I can't understand anything. I just pray , "God , I praise you and love you. Please bless my family and me."

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 3

Singapor Art Gallery

Went to Singapore Art Gallery. Saw many pictures. Some are very shocking, some are
scaring. No gorgeous pictures. The most shocking works was a sculpture, clothed of hundreds of squrrils' hides. I could se the legs and ears of the squrrels are hanging.

I also saw many pictures of humans. They had black, green and most of all pink hairs with small pupils in the eyes. Very queer paintings. But they are the works of a famous artist they say.
I cannot understand the works.

After having lunch we went to Singapore National Museum to appreciate the Greek Sculptures where I met Greek Gods and Goddesses. I said hello to dumb Apollo and challenging Athena. I waved my hand to mischivious Cupid ( Stupid...). I bowed to beautiful Aporodite and bright Artemis. I ignored Ares, the God of the war.

I especially loved th vases(amphoras) more than any other things. They are very gorgeous, aren't they?

I really enjoyed my vacation. It was a perfect day.

Kyu Won's Journal 2

Pirates of the Caribbean

This evening my sister and me watched a movie , 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. There was a pirate named a"Jack Sparrow". I mean captain Jack Sparrow. The movie was full of excitement and thrill. I can remember pirate's song. " Ho ho ho ho, the pirate's life!"
After the movie I wanted to be a pirate. Because pirates have a lot of adventures and go around the world and defeat some bad people. But wait a second. Pirates can not play with dolls and I think they even cannot eat pizza or hamburgers, they cannot enjoy many flowers on land......
I 'd rather give up being a pirate. I want to be what I am!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Kyu Won's Journal 1

After school today when I finished my homework, I was bored so I began to write about my grandmother so that I can show it to my sister when she comes home. Well, there was once my grandmother forgot to hang out my school uniform and I did not have any uniform to wear for school that day. I had to wear a set of wet uniform to school. There was once when she forgot to set the alarm clock, my sister woke up late for school! Once she put an umbrella into the washing machine. The machine went, " Bom! Bom! Bom! " When I went to school, she did not pack my water bottle. I was dying of thirst. Of course! She overcooks and burnt food. Oh man! However I love her because she can be mischievous like a boy
